Ok, so today, I was supposed to have this dentist appointment. It was just for a crown, which isn’t all that bad I guess. I told my mom I need more time than two days to mentally prepare myself for a dentist appointment. I knew my chances of getting her to change the appointment were slim, seeing as how she already did it once – I was supposed to do this last month, apparently. I asked her anyway, and she said, “Change it yourself!” She said that cause she knew I wouldn’t.
Well, I did! Haha. Yesterday I got my appointment changed to January 20. Lovely January two months away. I think that’s plenty of time to mentally prepare myself to change it again.
So, I was still home yesterday morning (before I called and changed the appt later at work) when the dentist office calls to remind me I’m supposed to be there at one. They always do that, I just let the machine catch it and didn’t worry about it anymore. I got home later that night and told my parents I had changed it to January – mom was kind of annoyed, but she couldn’t get really mad seeing as how she was the one who told me to change it.
Then Dad said the dentist office had called him at work to ask him if I was keeping the appointment. That was really weird, I said. They had called here. Why did they call dad? Were they that concerned about this? Did they have some guy willing to pay $1,000,000 dollars if they could get him an appointment at one tomorrow? I told dad I had called them and changed it, and then went to tell mom the dentist office had called dad, too.
She said they had called my grandparents also.
Ok, what the heck LMAO Are they stalking me?! Like my GRANDPARENTS would know whether or not I was going to the dentist tomorrow. On that note, how would they know if my dad knew? How do they know I don’t live by myself now?